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Intersectional Climate Justice and Resilience Audit


This section contains two evaluation tools to assess and monitor your organisation’s progress towards climate justice and resilience.
The evaluation tools are designed to review how climate justice and disaster resilience is or could be embedded into an organisation. Once completed, the evaluations should give you and your organisation a clear idea of what can be done to strengthen climate justice and resilience and which tools and processes in this toolkit will be most useful.


1. What are the Climate Justice and Resilince Audit Tools?

Two evaluation tools aim to support community service organisations (CSOs) to reflect on their progress towards climate justice and resilience.

  • The mini-evaluation tool is a short questionnaire for individuals or small teams within an organisation who are just beginning to consider climate justice and disaster resilience. Rate your organisation’s progress for each question and add comments if needed. Each question directs users to relevant resources and tools within the toolkit. You can share these and the self-evaluation with other teams and staff members to help kick-start an organisational journey towards climate justice and resilience.


  • The organisational audit tool guides a comprehensive review of an organisation across a wide range of factors, such as governance, staff literacy and knowledge, programs and services, advocacy, and operational impact (footprint). It is more suitable for organisations that are committed to a transformative journey as it facilitates in-depth planning and guidance for structural and cultural change.


2. Climate Justice and Resilience Mini-Evaluation

The evaluation tool is designed for individuals or smaller teams within organisations to kick-start climate justice and resilience work. This concise questionnaire features 12 statements allowing staff to reflect on their organisation’s current practices and plans to strengthen climate justice and disaster resilience across a range of dimensions. Each question links to toolkit resources for actionable next steps.

 This tool is for staff members and teams that do not yet have buy-in from the whole organisation to engage with the full audit but are still committed to fostering climate justice and resilience. Its ease of use ensures that even limited-capacity teams can assess their organisations’ work for climate justice and resilience. 

Download the mini-evaluation here: (available shortly)

3. Climate Justice and Resilience Organisational Evaluation Tool

This tool is for organisations that have made a commitment to transformative change and are prepared to audit the entire organisation to identify opportunities to strengthen climate justice and resilience. There are a variety of ways how CSOs can complete this Audit Tool, all of which require participation across the entire organisation. This audit cannot be completed in one sitting or by one person.

Ideally, CSOs already have structures in place, such as an Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander advisory group and a Lived Experience advisory group, which would participate in completing the audit tool alongside a variety of staff members (also see: Who should be involved).
Some organisations might want to identify a coordinator who can work with relevant departments or programs across the organisation to collectively contribute to the audit’s sections.

Other organisations might want to complete the audit tool collectively over a series of designated workshops or meetings.

Once the Climate Justice and Resilience Audit Tool has been completed, it will help organisations to develop the next steps and actions for each section. The Climate Justice and Resilience Toolkit provides resources for many of the audit items. The audit tool will also serve to track the progress of CSOs, indicating how Climate Justice and Resilience within their organisations are strengthened over time.

Download the full audit tool here:  (available shortly)

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