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Publications + Reports



Step 1. Understand climate justice communication and framing

Use the Climate Justice Communication and Framing Tool.


Step 2. Develop an organisational climate justice statement (manifesto) that can be integrated into publications, reports and website

Use the Climate Justice Communication and Framing Tool to develop your statement.

Use the Climate Impacts on Social Injustices to better understand the climate justice context of your sector and the groups you are working with and integrate this into your statement.


Carbon Neutral Cities Alliance – Climate Justice Statement 

Solar Citizens – Climate Justice Statement



Step 3. Review organisational publications and reports to integrate a climate justice lens and language

Learn from the below examples in which a climate justice lens was integrated into publications and reports.

Use the Climate Justice Communication and Framing Tool to develop your publications and reports.

Use the Climate Impacts on Social Injustices to better understand the climate justice context of your sector and the groups you are working with and integrate this into your publications and reports.


Examples of organisational publications and reports that include a climate justice lens:

Feeling the Heat | VCOSS

Giving Victorians a voice on Climate Change | VCOSS


Tackling climate change and energy affordability for low-income households

Other Resources and Guides – First Nations Clean Energy Network

Law Society of NSW Journal – People with disability more vulnerable to climate change

Oxfam – Climate Justice 

Abt Associates – Spotlight On: The Intersection of Climate and Housing Insecurity


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